Last Friday

It’s the last Friday in March, and I couldn’t come up with a good title. My big accomplishment this week is the completion of the Morning Glory top. After getting all the green and white block pieces done and de-papered, I put all the blocks together. Wouldn’t you know I was four green and white pieces short? This is better than making too many I guess. Each 12 inch block has 53 pieces, which adds up to 2597 pieces for the top. This is a typical Bonnie Hunter quilt pattern, and I like that it uses up lots of scraps. I put the top together yesterday, and made an executive decision. I decided to move the Asilomar retreat top back to the TBQ pile and use the backing that I had mounted on the frame for the Morning Glory top. I still have to press the MG top, but its closer to being done.

Steadily stitching bricks and flowers on the Fabulous Houses “Cottage” installment (left side). The next house pattern was released a few days ago, I had gotten the floss requirements, now I have a picture (on right). It’s a Hobbit house, I can’t decide if there are sheep or pigs in the front, possibly fluffy sheep, are there special hobbit sheep?

The bindings were attached to two of the finished quilts, I made the binding for the RRTI quilt, but it will have to wait until next week for its finish. I got the clamshell quilt top on to the design wall, I think it maybe too small for a quilt throw. I sewed two rows together and they are about 32 inched long. I am trying to decide whether to add some more shells in, possibly solid complimentary colors.

My holiday weekend started out being a quiet one, and has evolved into a party, with 7 guests showing up on Sunday. Today is cleaning day, yuck.

Be Kind.